Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mind Food

The Real Thing
Love Should Feel Good

Love should feel good. Relationships that leave you feeling depleted, sad and making excuses are not based in love.

"Often in our lives, we fall prey to the idea of a thing rather than actually experiencing the thing itself. We see this at play in our love lives and in the love lives of our friends, our family, and even fictional characters. The conceptualizing, depiction, and pursuit of true love are multimillion-dollar industries in the modern world. However, very little of what is offered actually leads us to an authentic experience of love. Moreover, as we grasp for what we think we want and fail to find it, we may suffer and bring suffering to others. When this is the case, when we suffer more than we feel healed, we can be fairly certain that what we have found is not love but something else.

When we feel anxious, excited, nervous, and thrilled, we are probably experiencing romance, not love. Romance can be a lot of fun as long as we do not try to make too much of it. If we try to make more of it than it is, the romance then becomes painful. Romance may lead to love, but it may also fade without blossoming into anything more than a flirtation. If we cling to it and try to make it more, we might find ourselves pining for a fantasy, or worse, stuck in a relationship that was never meant to last.

Real love is identifiable by the way it makes us feel. Love should feel good. There is a peaceful quality to an authentic experience of love that penetrates to our core, touching a part of ourselves that has always been there. True love activates this inner being, filling us with warmth and light. An authentic experience of love does not ask us to look a certain way, drive a certain car, or have a certain job. It takes us as we are, no changes required. When people truly love us, their love for us awakens our love for ourselves. They remind us that what we seek outside of ourselves is a mirror image of the lover within. In this way, true love never makes us feel needy or lacking or anxious. Instead, true love empowers us with its implicit message that we are, always have been, and always will be, made of love. " DO

Graciela Bilis, MEd, MS

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Free Thoughts Poh A Penny

Each one of these pictures, and the video depicts a message I would like to get across. First off I'm passionate for the evacuation of America from all countries. I seem to concentrate on Iraq for personal cultural reasons. Also Iraq is the occupation that people are familiar with most. Im' against the occupation for the sake of humanity. We have the ultimate power to delegate humanities role. If we want to fight to the death over land, resources,power ego, than we will, If humanity wants to accept the natural peace,understanding, cooperation, dissipation of anger than we can. United states is an activator of these war like causes, because we have the weapons, power, brand name, and use to have the funds. But we will fall if our egoic honchos at the top remain concerned about the greed of the dollar. Not for the dollar because of course this county has to bring in money to stay a float, but there many other ways to do this. Iraq is TRYING to be a developing country, but how can it flourish when others are stealing from it, or invading it, and killing its people. Iraq should be left alone, or funded to increase its Standard of living but not invaded and raped of its resources, and access of becoming a base player in the global economy. Having oil Iraq will be able to increase its exports bringing more capital into their economy and, increasing the value of their currency. Yea the united states needs to focus on the American people first when building good education systems, hospitals, shelters, and the base needs for healthy living ,but if you are to invade a country they need more help than us. Second, the second video you see THESE GUYS DUMBASSES ARE PLAYING A GAME!!!! are they not playing a fucking game. They are bored as all hell in Iraq with nothing to do that they proceed to kill a man because he is carrying a camera on his back!!!! ItS FUCKING DISGUTSTING! and I hope the affiliators including bush get their karma, Actually I don't care if Karma comes to them or NOT! I just don't want it to happen again! If we have globe with seperated countries, shit if they want to kill eachother go ahead! But how can I be a proud citizen of a country when I see something like this?!?!? We have peace here why not try establish the peace in Iraq? Man its so fucked up foreal Theres no reason for this! And these american soilders.......forealll......I hope I don't get my ass whooped by one, cuz its really not their fault...Majority of them don't know what and the real reasons why they are over there, but they are getting something out of it....Thats how I really feel..but Im out had to let some steam off...