Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yung Yogi

Kona Hawian CoffeE!

Second day in a row I've woken up @ 740am to go to yoga class! I'm determined to get back on track. That will consist of when I get my check buying groceries to last me two weeks so I don't spend excess money eating out, going to the gym at least three times a week, cleaning my room at least once a week, staying organized, focusing on my studies, working hard at work, making money, keeping care of the things i do have. It's super independent women time, over this way! anyone can appreciate that, ya girl has bills to pay! Chillen at crossroads right now downing a small coffee, yesterday it was french vanilla, today its sweetie chocolate something, and the kona straight out Hawaiii! I have an exam in two hours, Ive been studying feel like I know the information, and I don't want to over work my brain! This guy that my homegirl a-dreezy is feeling is standing in front of me, he treated the people in front of me with such equality and love that I feel like shit! lmao I wish adrian was here to see that, she'd be like let me go get his number right now! haha as soon as these two girls walked into the cafe I felt they were at unease with their environment. They weren't used to being surrounded by college students on their laptops, golden retreievers running around outside, and hot white men philosphying about life on that patio. I kind of observed them in their essence, as if I was better. Until A-dreezy's boy stepped in the building and taught me a little something something. For one be a better person, treat everyone equally and if you sense they feel out of place do you're best to make them feel comfy. The more you practice at this the more natural it will be. So when the time comes and you're with someone you really do care about, and THEY feel out of place you will have the practice and sophistication of making them feel comfy. Today in yoga I concentrated heavily on my breathing, its the only way I could keep up with the class. We were doing normal poses, all that I have done before, but for some reason my body was not as strong as I thought it to be. My breather and PRANA YAMA (breath inside of you) lead me through the practice, I left the gym feeling much lighter, appreciative, and aware of the birds and trees. You know I love the spiritual side of life but it won't make me money. Right now Looooveee my job at nordstroms its fun, and I know it's where I'm suppose to be right now in my life. As far as after college, and career wise, we'll see I just get this anxious feeling that I have to know NOW!, and I know that's not the case, I know it will come, but it feels good just to know. I do have plans, but you know plans are plans, and life is so unpredictable you're plans can always become un-planned. I do feel like I'm at a turning point in my life(not to be a hypocrit as I type my emotional expressions via blogger, rather than studying for my exam in two hours)BUT! i do feel comfterable with the information. I'm scared to over-study and forget the information. My family has come to a fork in the road, where it is TIME for me to step up my game! No more playing games, no more skipping work, skipping class, taking that extra drink, spending that excess dollar on bullshit! no its time for me to make a life for myself, and be able to support myself! I don't want to as my dad for money anymore, he has enough people he has to support and I want more then ever to take that burdern off his shoulders. Im so unique loving, giving, understanding and beautiful because of what my FATHER has done for me, the advise, wisdom, and security he has given me the past 21 years. I want that part of him to stay vibrant forever I can't dull his heart anymore by taking taking taking, like bob marley said you gotta give a little and take a little.! Ive done my part of taking now its time to give back to him! So Im focused man, no more spending money on bullshit, I have to acheive all my goals, and your either with me or not! ya know Im not going to say your against me, hopefully you're just doin you. But im on the path to rightouesness, me and my family the people I love, and those who understand the light that is guiding me!

Monday, August 2, 2010

French Vanilla Coffee Crossroads

Your Presence is missed A-dreezy!

Life is constantly revolving and changing, everyday is a day to learn! About you and about others. What can I say,everybody is officialy moved in at my crib. The house will consist of Me,Angelica,Adrian and Bobi:) hopefully this will work out for the best as of right now I can deff. say, that Im happy with everyone living in the house :) Ya girl is back to being 100% single, that means not talking to anybody! hahaha not even a man that hits me up on a daily. The way life is looking though I wouldn't have the time :) but boy would I love the comfort of a man. Its only natural, we were made for eachother. Sovreinty is ofcourse necessary , you must love yourself and know yourself before you can love and know someone else. Thats where I'm at right now. The next man I'm with should treat me like a queen , and I will do the same just for him. Relationships must be balanced me giving to him as much as he gives to me. The last guy I talked to was just about games, you know its like if you go all the way go all the way there is no half assing over here. Let me know keep on talking about men like they are the only thing that takes up my mentality. But I'm going to end that subject with "KEEP THINGS FRESH" never dull. Something is always sprouting whether its a relationship or a tree. Constantly changing and growing, until the determination of its life on earth, otherwise energy is constantly flowing, and dullness will be a sign of being unaware. Right now Im taking a course called Financial Management. We are concentrating on stocks and bonds right now, and determining the rate of return on a stock and or bond. The next test is tom. I'm doing well in the math, but will start concentrating on the differences between the two stocks and bonds.