Monday, February 15, 2010

Jump Up In The Air And Stay There.

Erykah should be coming out with a new album soon, and Im ready to cop it lol:)...Why is my life always so crazy, feels like I barely get time to chill back and breath these days. Its constantly going going going. Theres always something to get done, pay off, somebody to see, somebody not to see I feel like its eating me alive. I feel like Im at a breaking poing where shit is falling apart to the point I can't fix it. I just wish everybody would be happy around me, and make the right choices. I mean if you're happy then guess what the ones who love you are going to be happy your're happy. I just can't take complainers, and Im focusing on this myself. Im living more postively and find security in knowning every little thing is going to be alright no matter what. My main focus is my success and my happiness I want to be in a relationship although I just got out of a relationship. I wouldn't mind being in a serious relatinonship but with the right person, somebody who I can call on as my best friend, but also my lovah. If feels good to finally be free, this past weekend was dramatic but it had to happen. First of all I went home for vday, some drama popped off but it always does. Eric came down trying to be w. me for vaday, but I had to break it down to him that our relationship would never work, Tears were shed but at the end I have a very strong feeling as well as instinct that this is what needed to happen. God put him in New york to make it easier for both of us. He gave us this opportunity to realize there is somebody out there better for the both of us. Eric has such a beautiful heart, and I know that he is going to make a woman feel like such a queen one day. I learned from him, and grew with him through my awkward teenage years. The times I wanted to give up on life, and just say fuck it because I didn't feel good enough he always made me feel better. There was a great purpose for him. But that Purpose was fullfilled. I want to go on a yoga re-treat one of these days in the mountains, clearance of my mind is such a neccesaty, I wonder if I could find a beautiful place to go to thats not to far away from where Im at to clear my mind and be in a serene area. Ive been highstrung. On a postive note Im on my grind like shit, Ive been looking wonderful and feeling wonderful ive been neglecting the gym cuz of the snow but Ill get back @ it this week. Life is beautiful and I appreciate all I have been given. God is Love. *Oh yea Im not here to entertain you this shit is for my clearance of mind*

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