Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yes I bought It



The new kitty is so cute he watches tv w. me, and really pays attention.Thank god emily picked out a cat that loves attention and isnt super stuck up. He is always climbing on my laptop, I think hes jealous over the computer lol....Newaiz Whats going on in Iran? I see everybody's statuses speaking on iran?!? Thats what sucks about not having cable!! I think ima go get my hair did, then go to the mall and do a bit of shopping, Im fucking lonley in richmond and Im tired of only hanging out with dudes, hahaha and as for females, Im picky w. who I spend my time around, cuz once Im around somebody I can't tell them to leave, leaves ME in a bad situation. I brushed my hair out and used this new conditioner called WEN, so im thinking either keep using this conditioner and not str8en, or str8en my hair since this week the gym will be closed any way, and on the ski trip my hair will be curly. rather then str8 cuz I work I barley have time to get my hair done! The place closes toooooo early...But umm. yea Skins vs Cowboys today and I want to watch the game and get hype, who the fuck is in richmond yo like forrreall?! lol

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day After Christmas

I had a great christmas this year!! I was given way more than expected and unfortnaley did not give back as much. My brother Pete got me these shoes, I have a complete shoe fetish!! I LOOVVEE them, and can't wait to rock them at the right event! Maybe New years. Christmas is all about being w. the fam, and in this day and age Im celebrating not working, having a day off, and kicking it with the most amazing people I know. I thought about celebrating jesus birth but Ive decided that I would celebrate the beauty of kindness, righteousness,humanity, and the common good. Yess I always say common good, which in depth is our conciousness fully awakened, if our conciousness were fully awaakened we would not allow ourselves and hopefully would catch ourselves before lying to ourselves, or another. Back to my point, that Jesus was known in fact to be a loving, understanding, for the common people type of man, and went down with pride. This will celebrate, because I will celebrate things that I know for a fact. This are not necc. my beliefs so, don't get offended this is naturally sought out soul figuring out what these holidays are really truly about, Im open to opinons always.

Ive decided each time I write in this I will break it down into four sections, I choose four because its an equal number ive always been drawn to, always, first of all my number is 8. the infinite number with the power to build or destroy, the number 4 which I just realized is the month of April, All of my serious boyfriends, or guys Ive been interested in have birthdays in late march early april...Im telling you apirl babies, thats half of my number therefore they need me to be complete ha!! :) So the four sections will me.

Knowledge-something that will enhance everybodys mind

Art-any art piece im interested, or accomplishments in the creative world im trying to reach, seen and want to share with everybody.


Fashion-illest fashion out there, the no-no's

And Gossip-for one, I don't go out in richmond when school is done, why in the world is there a 200lb girl walking infront of my house with a 3 inch skirt on with her ass hanging out going to the club around the corner from my house?!?! like foreal dude...thats nasty and im not part-taking in that shit!

Shes amazing, German and Nigerian so much passion

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Some Kind Words From Maya Angeleou

'I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems
today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.'

'I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way
he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and
tangled Christmas tree lights.'

'I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your
parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life.'//

'I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as
'making a life.'//

'I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.'

'I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's
mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back....'

'I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I
usually make the right decision.'

'I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one..'

'I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone.
People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.'

'I've learned that I still have a lot to learn..'

'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will
forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So I just recently got HOOOKED onto this show Im not a show type girl if that makes any sense but this shit is hilarious.Maybe cuz I can relate to it. The theme song to the intro is like about how everbody goes to universities lives in the suburbs, and basically looks all the same you have a doctor, writer, lawyer house mom and so on and so on hahahaha SOO TRUE its so sad how our uniquness is dimishing Ive always loved individuality, but society is molded by what people demand, if we live in a society where people demand to have huge mushrooms sticking out of their yard, then hey big mushroom selling business would be good to go to into and hormones for mushrooms would somehow be founded! hahaha..newaiz this show is a must see!! LOL yesterday I was talking to one my good friends about our trips we use to have our hallucogenic trips, one where he turned into a ollldd man and another when I turned into a straight up pharoah yes indeed a pharaoh i know im the shit but a Pharoaph its in my blood line. Lmao..Newaiz ima start posting some stuff you guys are actually going to be interested in. Hopefully Tom. at work i will meet some people who are actually interesting at work and aren't doing the same thing as the next person in line. Yes this is my mind going completely out of control. I needddd to get back in shape and all the gyms are closed,,,eek time to snuggle up and go for a run, cough my lungs out the first few runs but Ill be fine after that. CHRISTMAS IS HEREE 8 MORE DAYS?? LOVEEEEEEEEEE

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 16 2009

Wusup world, well its wednesday feels like thursday or something, Im still in richmond working my lil butt off but the bills have to get paid! I feel so grown staying in Richmond when everybody went back home well not everybody Emily,Bereda , Moath, Andrey Mislat, Nada and a few others are still down here, newaiz going back home this weekend and I hopppinggg it pops off! I don't have nething planned so maybe I should work on that but damn I need to have a really good weekend want to have a really good weekend! I need to go to the gym sometime tonight Im pretty sure they close at 10pm so I have some time, I at four fucking slices of pizza today EWWWWW with everything yea wtf,,,I might be small but I can fucking EATTTTT....Hahaha eric knows Im strong as shit, but then again he a lil itty bitty don't like 9-5 jobs and I know im working one right now, but I am doing this because it is steady I won't be able to make money off of my own business right now cuz I don't have the time and focus....Damn Ima be in my third year spring semster soon! WTF where did time go Im going to be graduating soon then OPENING UP MY BUSINESS YAAYYYY GETTING MY ESTHETCIAN LICESNSES YAAYYYY okay halla at me soon :) kisses

Monday, December 7, 2009


So as my day is revolving around finding derivatives of equations I will probably never use again, and french grammar I had to take a second to breathe so I went on a lil joy ride to pay rent, and deposit checks lol FUN RIGHT! haha Life is all about the grind and love right now.Anywayz Im @ the bank in the drive thru, and the lady infront of me is taking forever In my head I was like damn can you fucking hurry up! Then I was like Hannah be patient, what are you REALLY in a hurry for and BOOM my whole demeanor changed as I caught a glimpse of a rosary a customer at my job gave me that is now hanging on my Rearview mirror, amongst mardi gras beads. I took those seconds to analyze the cross that has a slight sketching of jesus in it, and realized it was a plus sign, something so obvious right but , I wondered if the PLUS sign or positive sign for protons or, just in addition in general was derived from jesuss' cross?? So heres my sharing for the day

Plus Sign
(Our Logo)


As Christians use the cross (also known as the brokenSwastika), we use the Plus sign. The Plus also is derived from the Swastika (two cross lines, horizontal and vertical, in the center). As we know the Swastika used to have a very positive meaning (meaning good luck), so the Plus sign was derived from it as a positive sign. With choosing this sign as the Mission sign (logo) we are emphasizing the positive aspects of the Swastika, as it was meant to be. We emphasize the positive aspects of Life and live positive and productive lives.

The Plus sign also is one of the most recognized and known signs. So the Mission will have one of the most recognized signs in the universe. It is derived from the sign of Good (God) Luck, and it is even easier than the cross to make, draw, paint, etc. It also represents the four essential Ones ( ) in our teachings: One World, One Humanity, One Savior, One God (as you can see on the four arms of the plus above).

It can be drawn, painted, used in many colors, but it is in the Golden Color that it is in its Highest form!

God Indeed has given us another Sign for His Greatest Revelation Ever!

Maitreya Buddha in Knowledge pose
sending Knowledge and Grace to the world

We still will keep our other logo (Buddha sitting on the chair/Throne) as well. The Plus is another logo we can use. It is simpler to use and is more recognized as well.