Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1st day of classes

I had my first three classes this morning and all my teachers seem okayy..Im going to get all A's regardless of the teachers two of my classes accounting and econ i need to study my assss offf like I should be reading right now and not typing but I can still have somewhat of a life cuz its still just the first day. But beleive that the blogging will be verrry minimal for the next couple of months! Newaiz one of my teachers is 26 with her PHd and pregnant. she told the class dont fuck w. my i have a lot of hormones inside of me..like straight up lmao soo very entertaining. I saw a kid I graduated w. in my econ class!! and my roomate too talk about fucking distractions its all good though we're all gonna get A's , my friend from highschool is kinda ghetto now like he talks ghetto but i know hes not he nevverrrr has been thats not him hes more like a goofy fun loving cool guy hahahahah whateva we all are growing up slowly but surely, and we all have our glitches whether we want to approach them or not. NEWAIZ Im fucking irked and thats why I wanted to write! first of all Ive been having problems w. people lately first of all I fake, yes i do Im a fucking non decisive ass bitch, that can't make her mind up BUT at least I know this and Im working on it!!!! But I don't priorotize if i fake its cuz I just want to be a lazy person, its NOT cause im w. somebody else because MAJORITY of the time if Im w. somebody else I will invite you!!! But what the fuck people who were my best fucking friends are no longer my friends at all, the person who was suppose to be there for me through thick and thin isnt! and its just like..damn..well what can I do, but the fact that her friends talk bout me is not cool, I live in richmond like this is partially my home and when I go to n.va I go to see my family thats it! I think if somebody wants to see me then they would call me!!! Im the one driving all the fucking time coming up there, I mean we're both at fault seriously we really are, shes busy and Im busy and she hates me for it, but life will go on my heart isn't cold but its real, Im trying to get my degrees and roll out and if somebody is on the same level as me then they will be next to me! DUH thats right, a wise man once told me it doesn't matter how long you know somebody, you shouldn't keep em around just cuz you've known them forever...It sucks but what can I do.....just give it time. and oh yea if you really have a problem then why not approach it instead of talking to people I don't even know about it!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Could you imagine working all day ready to come home to the family but couldn't make it on time before the destruction set, getting to the house a little to late, wishing you had perished with your loved ones rather w.o. them,the little you'd been working for all gone, nothing to show for it the home you've always known diminshed in a split second.I know I couldn't this sorrow fills my heart today and I wonder why Haiti of all places on earth why Haiti, this was done by no man but a higher power. Why does this never happen to western world countries? we had Katrina here in the states, but in Louisiana in the hood of all places with a creole culture, the same as Haiti I hope this turns out for the best for Haiti that they themselves rebuild Haiti not a foreign country, re-build haiti with all their beautiful countries culture. I hope the people come together and love eachother even more than they did before, I hope violence doesn't manifest because of this disaster TO everybody that is reading this for the next few days have that EXTRA love in your heart that extra THought of Peace.lets spread the vibes world vibe and be there w. haiti, spread the vibes amongst the waves. if you don't believe in waves why do you think you feel people so hard, you know what their gonna say you know what they feel LET Love Live

Wednesday, January 13, 2010



Okay Wow.

I DON'T FEEL LIKE DEALING WITH MEN! I MEAN DOES ANYBODY FEEL ME. IM JUST FALLING OUT OF LOVE OKAY LIKE GIVE ME A FUCKIN BREAK! Why do guys think they can pounce on you and stick their tounge down your throat because you said your single, and just going w. the flow NO THAT DOES NOT MEAN I want to sleep w. you or even come in body contact w. you! Please get that straight, I don't care if the girls you sleep w. the first week aren't hoes, and end up getting in relationships I see them as having no respect for themselves, and needy of a mans attention Im past that and no Im not trying to teach anybody anything they will learn for themselves! but Im not that girl I don't need to mess around to feel good about myself, thats not the trick for me hear it accept it swallow it and digest it cuz Im Not budging. To bad this situation was a reallly cool guy besides the fact that he pounced me, if the pouncing seized then I could have chilled w. him tom. but that shit was cut quick, like ummmmmmmmm yea Ima b ur friendd.....jeeze what a ruined friendship! Kissing him only made me think of Eric now you know thats not right, nobody gonna compare to Eric right now Im trying to get over him but im not yet over the hump, and I haven't met anybody who has struck me! I want a succesfull man with an education ,class, soul, intelligence, soul soul, generosity, can't just settle if Im breaking up with the love ive only ever known then best believe the next will be the best! I JUST WANT TO FALL IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN AND DANCE TO MANHATTAN WITH A GLASS OF WINE AND BLUNT IN MY HAND!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

PhoneLess World

No phone for two days and honestly I feel like Im loosing air to breathe, yes its that serious lol I feel good though I don't have to answer to people I don't want to talk to, and all the people Im hanging out with is basically totally up to destinys hands, cuz who ever I run into then heyyy. LOL My mind has been very extra lately and Im loving it, nothing better than interesting things to think and talk about. Boys boys boys, I need to be single for a good while and get myself refocused I don't think Im ready and want a relationship. I hope everybody understands how much a relationship really demands of a person, its work!! for us females, we should always make our man feel special, let him know how good he is, how much we need him, cook for him, care for him, love him..sorry but I just don't have the effort right now with school work, and trying to have a social life I can't do all that, friends yes friends are fine but anything more and your being demanding!! One thing about me is Im not really scared to say shit, I might not say it or hesitate either cuz I don't want to talk to you or because I might sound stupid,so one thing i have to say is im not scared of success and Im not scared to say I want to own a penthouse, right now in MIA but that might change, have a yacht I can hop on and cruise the ocean maybe not own one, but at least rent one out. I have soul, I have love, Im NOT greedy, but I am a bit materialstic Im a woman who grew up in the U.S. what do you expect no matter how many drugs I take Im not gonna be humble enuff to not want the luxuries. But ima get it watch mothafuckas and see Banana is exactly what she says she is!! Ima get it whether you like it or not, and best beleive you will be invited for a party on my yacht just you can see...I love yoga, and meditation I have my sides gotta stay true to my Gemini whoot whoot~ So I miss my bugsy bear so much, its hard growing up dude, like Im finally starting to feel comfy living outside of my parents house, I use to cry every fuckin much thats how much I missed being at home, but my heart grew stronger in the end, and I know its time to grow up its time to make a name for myself, and be able to support myself and even my family, because I still want my father to travel the world with Parisa Joon when they get older, I still want him to have the time of his life and knowing him Im sure he does to, Hes done everything for me and my siblings i mean everything, thats the least I could do. Newaiz Ive realized its really time to focus on Hannah and what she wants to accomplish and not all these outside things, theres soooooo much I want to do. I want to travel the world, I want to move to Beruit after I get my MBA or To get my MBA, I need to get in touch w. my ancestors. I want to travel to "3rd world" and help, and learn, and grow, I want to teach yoga, I want to own my own business, I want a great husband who I stay w. for the rest of my life, not even a husband but a mate, I want a beautiful house, I want to give!!, I want to take, stay in shape, speak french, live accroess seas for at least a year, I hope I acheive all my goals but im a young girl with a old soul so I have some time:) Love is Love


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Watch this now


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Layals 21ST

okay so my boo just 21 what,,,Ive known this girl since 10th grade, since Im remincing I met Layal in my math class she says she hated me cuz i was the only other girl who could dress as well as her hahaha thats why i love her she actually keeps it real not surprisingly, we became friends in the middle of the year I have no idea how lmao..newaiz thats my boo dinner w. her fam. is always nice made me think about my fam. and miss them so much:( gosh its crazy how grown I feel though man, like Im about to be 21 but I have some maturing I need to do before bringing a man into the family equation im still a baby and my fam. is going to be like ummm...no you stay young, cuz thats it once I start bringing men into the equation and relationships with serious measures my parents are going to claim themselves old and we don't wannnntttt that lol! plus i gotta get my MBA before ne of that isniess starts to happen the ones who stick around will stick around the ones who don't i wont remember. Well we went to eyebar and layal was buying drinks like it was her job we had four shots OF WHO KNOWS WHAT.and a blue motercycle i could not finish. I had so much fun and made it home safe the same day lol jan. 7th. Man I can't wait to travel, im thinking of where to go in march, maybe somewhere in the states or caribean i don't know yet but I know I have to go somewhere, its just easier if you buy the ticket somewhere cuz then you have to go!!! Im now getting Financial Aid fuck my life! im going to pay them off this year though fuckkkk thattt I don't want anymore fucking bills in my name dude, im starting to pay em off now!!!


Monday, January 4, 2010


Jan 4th

Is it weird I love waking up at the Wee hours of the day. Its early but my soul has just awakened into the world of foreign images, no dreams last night, I need to start back on yoga I always use to dream when yoga came into play! The new gym has opened today and I need to make some time to go and just do it, so much to do I have to go to FAFSA get this money inshallah for next semester:) Things have been on the up and up lately I mean I still have problems but Im not focusing on them so much, their in the back of my mind but Im not worried Ill take care of them when I can. Avatar is a really good movie, i loved the message that the movie sent out what I got out of it is appreciate nature love nature and feel it, when we die we become the earth. We decompose, The people who made the movie are incrediblly creative/

Does anybody else find it weird that we sit down to watch something, lauging out loud like who came up with this concept that we sit down and watch scenes, I think some guy was sitting there watching his kids play with a ball or running around and was like wow,,,we should try to watch this lol I have no idea, but now people do it so damn much!!!
Yesterday I was society WHORE!!! I went shopping in the mall , and felt like shit lmao Ive always had this rebel mentaty to go against society, just in the fact that I don't want to give money to people I don't fucking know Ive said this before I would rather go to a market and purchase from somebody who has put passion into his food or work rather than corporate being made in a factory, These days I feel like its hard to find quality merchandise from markets, majority of it is in the malls. In other countries I don't think its like this. When I own my stores the customers wil still see my face, and when it gets to the point when I own 5 of them, they will know the manager well and my picutre and my story will be on the desks. If they want to know more about me. I will make all my stores personal , a pamphlet of my journey. This year Im going to concentrate on listening to people more, peter told me I always intterupt so I guess thats a flaw of mine that I never knew of cuz I think i listen very well, but Im going to focus on this.Im going to focus on school intentley and inshalla get only As and Bs next semeter, Im going to keep my job, Spring Break Im getting the fuck outta VA, and going on a trip. During the summer Im going to take summer courses, work and travel for one week somewhere, I have to keep traveling even if its for a week, I know Im in gods plans to travel the world, my desire to leave this country has been so strong since I was 15 years old. Im going to remain positive and loving all throughout 2010 and understanding, I feel like understanding is a veryyyyy important quality we are all human and we all make mistakes, trying to understand more than judge somebody will lead to a common ground, when you can kind of put yourself in the shoes of that person, also on the same line as forgiving them. Understanding is a beautiful concept, and it gives you saftey and security like you know whats going, on even if you don't you have a good idea for yourself.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday Night

Wusup Word, my days come and go when I feel like posting on here:) New years 2010 was amazing! The typical Banana had no idea what I was doing until about 10pm hit and I was driving in N.va I really was about to kick it w. the parents lol. BUTT I ended up going to a party in dupont circle with some awssome people, a few I had knew in highschool when I went to Marshall oddly enuff , it was jsut fucking great, I hope my year is is as nice as my new years was! That would be Fun, Outgoing, Good People, Successfull People, sexy atmophere, getting paid(cuz it was pay day) and family! yessirr..Now im in good ole richmond bout to go out w. ebaum to relax and chit chat:) work was str8 today but I deff. was about to kirk out on the manager for acting like a snob w. me, lol but Im patient as shit when it comes to people!!!!! By the way Im a huge hipacrit Im steadliy about 2 b like why can't somebody pick up the phone or text back but can text you 5 hours later and act like they received nothing, but i do the sammeee thing lol not that its right its totally immature but all the time Il text somebody BACK about a diff. subject cuz I either was with somebody else, or didn't feel like talking........sorry no interesting subjects today, Kind of on my chill shit right now Im going to smoke a jay tom and see avatar in 3D:) hahahahaha its going to be amazzzzingg cuz I never smoke so im sure im going to be super on my geekiness lol.....Friday going on a ski trip for the weekend going to tear the slopes uppp!! hahahahahahaha..Newaiz can't wait to ..wait im living lol Love.bANANA