Thursday, January 7, 2010

Layals 21ST

okay so my boo just 21 what,,,Ive known this girl since 10th grade, since Im remincing I met Layal in my math class she says she hated me cuz i was the only other girl who could dress as well as her hahaha thats why i love her she actually keeps it real not surprisingly, we became friends in the middle of the year I have no idea how lmao..newaiz thats my boo dinner w. her fam. is always nice made me think about my fam. and miss them so much:( gosh its crazy how grown I feel though man, like Im about to be 21 but I have some maturing I need to do before bringing a man into the family equation im still a baby and my fam. is going to be like you stay young, cuz thats it once I start bringing men into the equation and relationships with serious measures my parents are going to claim themselves old and we don't wannnntttt that lol! plus i gotta get my MBA before ne of that isniess starts to happen the ones who stick around will stick around the ones who don't i wont remember. Well we went to eyebar and layal was buying drinks like it was her job we had four shots OF WHO KNOWS WHAT.and a blue motercycle i could not finish. I had so much fun and made it home safe the same day lol jan. 7th. Man I can't wait to travel, im thinking of where to go in march, maybe somewhere in the states or caribean i don't know yet but I know I have to go somewhere, its just easier if you buy the ticket somewhere cuz then you have to go!!! Im now getting Financial Aid fuck my life! im going to pay them off this year though fuckkkk thattt I don't want anymore fucking bills in my name dude, im starting to pay em off now!!!


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