Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 4th

Is it weird I love waking up at the Wee hours of the day. Its early but my soul has just awakened into the world of foreign images, no dreams last night, I need to start back on yoga I always use to dream when yoga came into play! The new gym has opened today and I need to make some time to go and just do it, so much to do I have to go to FAFSA get this money inshallah for next semester:) Things have been on the up and up lately I mean I still have problems but Im not focusing on them so much, their in the back of my mind but Im not worried Ill take care of them when I can. Avatar is a really good movie, i loved the message that the movie sent out what I got out of it is appreciate nature love nature and feel it, when we die we become the earth. We decompose, The people who made the movie are incrediblly creative/

Does anybody else find it weird that we sit down to watch something, lauging out loud like who came up with this concept that we sit down and watch scenes, I think some guy was sitting there watching his kids play with a ball or running around and was like wow,,,we should try to watch this lol I have no idea, but now people do it so damn much!!!
Yesterday I was society WHORE!!! I went shopping in the mall , and felt like shit lmao Ive always had this rebel mentaty to go against society, just in the fact that I don't want to give money to people I don't fucking know Ive said this before I would rather go to a market and purchase from somebody who has put passion into his food or work rather than corporate being made in a factory, These days I feel like its hard to find quality merchandise from markets, majority of it is in the malls. In other countries I don't think its like this. When I own my stores the customers wil still see my face, and when it gets to the point when I own 5 of them, they will know the manager well and my picutre and my story will be on the desks. If they want to know more about me. I will make all my stores personal , a pamphlet of my journey. This year Im going to concentrate on listening to people more, peter told me I always intterupt so I guess thats a flaw of mine that I never knew of cuz I think i listen very well, but Im going to focus on this.Im going to focus on school intentley and inshalla get only As and Bs next semeter, Im going to keep my job, Spring Break Im getting the fuck outta VA, and going on a trip. During the summer Im going to take summer courses, work and travel for one week somewhere, I have to keep traveling even if its for a week, I know Im in gods plans to travel the world, my desire to leave this country has been so strong since I was 15 years old. Im going to remain positive and loving all throughout 2010 and understanding, I feel like understanding is a veryyyyy important quality we are all human and we all make mistakes, trying to understand more than judge somebody will lead to a common ground, when you can kind of put yourself in the shoes of that person, also on the same line as forgiving them. Understanding is a beautiful concept, and it gives you saftey and security like you know whats going, on even if you don't you have a good idea for yourself.

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