Tuesday, January 12, 2010

PhoneLess World

No phone for two days and honestly I feel like Im loosing air to breathe, yes its that serious lol I feel good though I don't have to answer to people I don't want to talk to, and all the people Im hanging out with is basically totally up to destinys hands, cuz who ever I run into then heyyy. LOL My mind has been very extra lately and Im loving it, nothing better than interesting things to think and talk about. Boys boys boys, I need to be single for a good while and get myself refocused I don't think Im ready and want a relationship. I hope everybody understands how much a relationship really demands of a person, its work!! for us females, we should always make our man feel special, let him know how good he is, how much we need him, cook for him, care for him, love him..sorry but I just don't have the effort right now with school work, and trying to have a social life I can't do all that, friends yes friends are fine but anything more and your being demanding!! One thing about me is Im not really scared to say shit, I might not say it or hesitate either cuz I don't want to talk to you or because I might sound stupid,so one thing i have to say is im not scared of success and Im not scared to say I want to own a penthouse, right now in MIA but that might change, have a yacht I can hop on and cruise the ocean maybe not own one, but at least rent one out. I have soul, I have love, Im NOT greedy, but I am a bit materialstic Im a woman who grew up in the U.S. what do you expect no matter how many drugs I take Im not gonna be humble enuff to not want the luxuries. But ima get it watch mothafuckas and see Banana is exactly what she says she is!! Ima get it whether you like it or not, and best beleive you will be invited for a party on my yacht just you can see...I love yoga, and meditation I have my sides gotta stay true to my Gemini whoot whoot~ So I miss my bugsy bear so much, its hard growing up dude, like Im finally starting to feel comfy living outside of my parents house, I use to cry every fuckin much thats how much I missed being at home, but my heart grew stronger in the end, and I know its time to grow up its time to make a name for myself, and be able to support myself and even my family, because I still want my father to travel the world with Parisa Joon when they get older, I still want him to have the time of his life and knowing him Im sure he does to, Hes done everything for me and my siblings i mean everything, thats the least I could do. Newaiz Ive realized its really time to focus on Hannah and what she wants to accomplish and not all these outside things, theres soooooo much I want to do. I want to travel the world, I want to move to Beruit after I get my MBA or To get my MBA, I need to get in touch w. my ancestors. I want to travel to "3rd world" and help, and learn, and grow, I want to teach yoga, I want to own my own business, I want a great husband who I stay w. for the rest of my life, not even a husband but a mate, I want a beautiful house, I want to give!!, I want to take, stay in shape, speak french, live accroess seas for at least a year, I hope I acheive all my goals but im a young girl with a old soul so I have some time:) Love is Love


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